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Conscious care

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THE ESPACE CLAIE DES SENS is a place welcoming all year round groups of women, groups of men, groups of adolescents, families, future parents to accompany them, support them at each stage of their existence, to pacify difficult, traumatic, limiting, painful and upsetting spaces in order to grow in confidence and security, to be recognized in one's values, in one's individuality with the dynamic of respect and kindness. ​ Each treatment, each workshop, each course, each retreat are organized to meet the fundamental needs of each person, to release and or restore energy within the disturbed dimension which creates an imbalance in all spheres nourishing well-being. , in YOURSELF, in your body, in your emotional, psychological and spiritual system.... ​


Throughout the year, these events, limited in number of participants, are heavily booked. As the schedule is established over a year, many dates are offered to you. ​ ​


Contact: Claie AVENTUR/Alice

Tel +33 7 88 26 52 30​​ ​


In this welcoming place designed so that everyone can enjoy a space of serenity, it is essential to respect the values ​​of living well together. Courtesy and kindness are essential so that this place benefits everyone. Whether you come to stay for a weekend, a day or for one-off treatment, you undertake to adhere to the values ​​and principles of CLAIE DES LYS.

The events offered to you are accessible depending on the number of places available.  However, for any individual meeting, I only receive appointments. ​  

 - As a Doula, I support future parents from conception until the baby's 40th day.  

 - Master, REIKI USUI teacher, I offer training in 1st, 2nd and 3rd degree as well as care.  

 - Moon Mother, I take care of young girls and women of all ages regarding their menstrual cycle in order to allow them to develop more knowledge for more awareness and comfort in this wonderful dimension that is femininity in its entirety.  

 - Holistic Therapist, my support for children, adolescents, men and women aims to rebalance and strengthen the posture of each person in all their living spaces in order to exist in their true presence with confidence.


Each passage is important!


The repercussions of physical, hormonal, emotional, psychological and spiritual change alert many parents. Deprived, these passages take on a magnitude that can provoke and give way to a multitude garish spaces, creating discomfort and establishing destabilizing excesses within many families. Each adolescent experiences this change in his or her body, as a whole. Listening to each feeling, each movement and its interpretation is essential to the help we can provide to live more consciously, confidently and freely this great passage. ​


We are living and going through an overwhelming, evolving time which requires our full attention as the place of these young beings invites us to support them, accompany them and give them precious keys to live these transformations more comfortably. They are the future adults of tomorrow. We must reach out to them and listen to their problems to better understand and follow their evolution so as to strengthen them in the right direction according to the values ​​that drive them.

Their participation in these courses allows them to shed the heavy weight that society feeds into each of them. In this space where they can express, share and exchange freely, it is offered to them to pacify the troubles that disturb them and to invigorate their state of being to exist fully and with confidence in who they really are.



Dans ma peau de femme, dans mon corps de femme, dans mes pas de femme il y a mon histoire, il y a les essences de chaque tribulations vécues et surmontées pour renaître à chaque fois et endosser ma nouvelle peau. Il m'a fallu marcher bien des tourments et les surmonter pour enfin accueillir pleinement ma vision, mes rêves, mes valeurs, mes croyances, mes cultures, mes vérités, grandir et m'élever... C'est tout ceci qui a réveillé ma nature originelle. En cet espace ouvert aux femmes ici et maintenant, j'invite toutes celles qui souhaitent enfin vivre leur véritable nature à venir se dépouiller, se libérer, se délester de ce formatage sociétal pour épouser sa force, sa puissance et marcher avec assurance son SOI. Vos expériences, vos chutes, vos bouleversements, vos blessures et traumatismes sont le fruits de l'asservissement moral, professionnel, familiale que vous subissez ou avez subi faute de vouloir prendre place et ou de vous exprimer selon la voix en votre intérieur qui n'attend que d'être entendue pour vous donner de vibrer votre vraie nature, marcher en conscience de vos valeurs et de votre essence.
Acceptez-vous ! Réveillez-vous ! 
Le monde à besoin de vous, de toutes les femmes prêtes à s'engager pour rétablir la posture des femmes en notre Terre Humanité.

The FEMINESSENCES workshop: ​


“A space created and open to women of all ages”. ​


Within our society, our Earth Humanity, women played a role so powerful, so important that it aroused fear. The extent of this fear has spread to the point of demonizing women in all their dimensions in order to diminish them, to place them under control by the role that has been designed for them. A status of dependence, a limitation of one's freedom, an intrusion into one's maternity movements according to inculcated rules, nourished by past generations having found little support to reestablish and strengthen the posture of each person within our Earth Humanity .  ​


In these times when every woman is waking up, where every man is realizing and accompanying this movement in presence, with fully enlightened consciousness. Humanity is experiencing a significant and resonant emergence as complementarity takes place.  ​


This observation today invites all humans, young and old, to take a step so that the dynamics of our society are revealed more in a safe, evolving, productive and elevating way for all.

When a woman finds her dimensions, liberated, healed, restored, she then sets out to elevate Humanity with wisdom, discernment and conscience. ​


Participation in this workshop is intended to be rich in sharing, exchanges, respect and kindness. It is a process of personal development allowing you to find your balance in harmony while respecting your principles and values.


En cet espace ouvert aux hommes, je viens proclamer qu'ici et maintenant nous avons besoin de vous, besoin que vous vous réveillez et que vous repreniez tout, absolument tout ce qui vous à été dérobé par ce phénomène patriarcal. Entendez-vous dans le tréfonds de votre être, gronder les cris et le désarroi ?
Ce n'est autre que vous-même, votre trop plein dû à tous ces débordements, ces abus et manipulations pour faire de vous des êtres robotisés, balayant la liberté de penser, d'agir et de vivre selon vos propres valeurs, votre volonté d'exister dans vos vérités, votre véritable nature.
Alors debout messieurs, levez-vous !
Osez votre guérison, la libération de vos blessures et traumatismes, car là aussi sachez que vous n'êtes pas oublié. Bon nombre d'entre vous se taisent et dissimulent tous ces fracas intérieurs par peur d'être jugé, pointé du doigt et ridiculisé... 
Il en est assez !
Venez vous révéler, venez vibrer votre masculinité dans sa vérité afin qu'en ce monde resurgisse votre essence, votre beauté à nos côtés.

The HOMESSENCES workshop: ​


“A dynamic created and open to men of all ages”. ​


Our Earth Humanity needs you ! The era we are going through invites you to reconsider your position. It is enough to have accepted to represent the masculine while obscuring all its dimensions, its sure values ​​and its true role.


The very meaning of education has been brutally modified so that a mechanism takes place that imprisons you, creating over the years an imbalance that is amply palpable, visible and distorted. The role of man is much more than it seems when we see all the tumults that rumble within our society. Many people are alert and want to find all these missing parts that create a very uncomfortable imbalance.

Men wake up !

You are the protective force of the feminine, your presence, your listening, your loyalty, your sensitivity... are precious assets. Which sums up all expectations invites me to participate in this wonderful movement in the process of expansion, accompanying and supporting the stages of each liberation so that the wounds inflicted by the limiting beliefs which have been instilled in you or even imposed throughout your life are healed. your growth. It’s time to walk your posture with dignity, shamelessly asserting your true self.


In these times when every woman is waking up, where every man is realizing and accompanying this movement in presence, with fully enlightened consciousness. Humanity is experiencing a significant and resonant emergence as complementarity takes place.  ​


This observation today invites all humans, young and old, to take a step so that the dynamics of our society are revealed more in a safe, evolving, productive and elevating way for all. ​


When a man finds his dimensions, liberated, healed, restored, he then rushes to become one with the feminine and grow Humanity in consciousness, benevolently preserving spaces with his assertive presence.  ​


Participation in this workshop is intended to be rich in sharing, exchanges, respect and kindness. It is a process of personal development allowing you to find your balance in harmony while respecting your principles and values.


© 2015 By Claie AVENTUR


Phone:  +33 7 88 26 52 30

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