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"Claie AVENTUR" writes all the texts for its professional website, blog, social networks ... Therefore, she is the legal owner. All copyrights for such content belong to him. The texts are protected and must not be copied without mentioning his name, nor used on other sites, blogs or any other medium without his agreement under penalty of prosecution. The same goes for his photos, videos, logos ...

Author-speaker, Holistic therapist, REIKI USUI Master Teacher, certified Doula, certified Moon Mother, certified palliative care companion. Supporting transgender people.  Woman committed to myself and to humanity. In consciousness, my care of liberation, harmonization, rooting, expansion supports personal development to ensure a beautiful anchoring in this Humanity Earth for everyone. Navigate this life by deploying your full potential with confidence.

The release of trauma, suffering, blockages, limiting thought forms, transgenerational memories is essential to your personal development so that your consciousness awakens with more fluidity in the balance of your feminine and masculine polarities (yin -yang), thus pacifying limiting frequency energies with harmony for more lightness in your bodies.

This is to walk your assertive posture!


President and founder of the association WOMAN FOR LIFE since August 28, 2013, my commitment to eliminate violence against women responds to the fundamental values ​​of freedom to be. Faced with abominations, feminicides and the restoration of violated rights which trample on the existence of women, I highlight the complementarity of MAN-WOMAN, a significant element of consideration, necessary for the restoration of the recognition of each one, each so that we can live safely and respectfully. 


My dream: “To see humanity radiate peace where each and every ONE would be free to exist in their entirety in security.”

Claie AVENTUR Author and accompanying speaker on awakening consciousness


From Monday to Saturday

by appointment only.

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+33 7 88 26 52 30

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