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Who I am ?


My writings to share with you my path of life, to encourage each being in awareness of what is to live his authentic ...

Life is a precious gift !

I dare to unveil my life course in order to arouse courage and strength in everything, one each-ONE each-ONE. So take a moment to discover who I am, my journey, my awakening, the awakening ...

It was barely eight years old that in me grew the love of Heaven, the love of our very dear and tender Divine Mother. Yes ! Awakening in consciousness with faith invaded me, giving my life path strength and light, thus strengthening my belief and connecting me to the Great All, to all that is in us and all around us. The invisible united with the visible. Sustained by the universal essence, my prayers gave me to feel this wonderful protective presence, encouraging my hopes, guiding my perseverance. Over the years, driven by the instinct for survival, I have chosen. Orphan, I implore the Heavens to make the Holy Mother of the Earth my mother. I promise to live in love and be an instrument of peace for myself and everyone I meet. There were days when everything seemed too heavy to me, when it was all tears and despair, but this warmth that enveloped me, this strength that carried me, lifted me up like a doll.

I then continued to vivify my love, to direct my intentions towards Heaven. Through my hell, from childhood to my married life, The awakening of my consciousness, my letting go, my determination gave me to rise from my ashes like a Phoenix. In me was scolding life! Animated by hope, I defied resistance, thinking of those many falls where sleep carried me away in prayer and allowed me to travel to the arm of our tender Blessed Mother who, out of love, as always, welcomed me with outstretched hands. in the light of her pure heart. With confidence, I continued to want to love, to accompany, nourished by serenity convinced that love is the cure of all ills.

Share my experience, for the benefit and in the name of all those who wish to live true, to live their authenticity, to live their being in totality. Far from appearing, proud to be. The time for rebirth has come, it is time to reconnect deeply with your heart. In welcoming what we are. It is by traveling to the center of oneself, in the depths of our being, that being awakens. It is by listening to one's whole being that the sacred can operate. Free to exist and to vibrate, leaving room for the whole. Every moment here and now can then be lived in presence.

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